You see it all over the news, landing an older more mature woman is the latest craze. They even have their own nicknames, they call them a Cougar or Milf. So how does a young single man find that special older mom?
Just imagine, your in the grocery store, cruising for some late night Ben and Jerry’s when all of a sudden you see her. The goddess of grocery-eden. You take a quick look and notice she is not bound by a wedding band, so you quickly move in for a better look see. Well the only thing you can tell is she has milk in her cart and rolling towards the checkout. Not much time, how do you approach her? How can you tell she is “the one?”
I intend to help you my young apprentice to define the mother by her milk. When it comes to mother’s milk, what can we learn? With grocery store romance we only need to ask one question.
Do you “got milk” or do you “got Milf?”
got Milf?Grocery Shopping for Hot Moms by their MilkVitamin D (Molly)This hot Mom is the kind you can take home to your own. She is a good cook and loves to please her man. She tends to obsess about a particular type of nic-nac be it pig, cow, eagle or dolphin.
Warning: This mom can also have a very small infant and has potential to become obese by her own cooking or if she goes any length of time without a man. This Mom fits the couch potato category.
2% Lowfat (Victoria)This hot Mom has cooking from a box down to a science. Hamburger helper has never tasted so good. Her kids are older and not much of a bother. This is the category you find the soccer Mom. This Mom is active and looks really good when going out.
Warning: This mom is an expert at the online pick-up and can replace you rather quickly. This mom ages nicely but frequent trips to the tanning booth may lead to skin cancer.
1% Lowfat (Samantha)This hot Mom is particular about what she eats, when you’re watching that is. She is losing weight by cutting back the 1% milkfat. Her children tend to be in their late teens, which means the house is free most of the time. This Mom is active and has lots of energy.
Warning: This Mom yo-yo diets, which leaves the potential for her to gain lots of weight. She is also bossy and vindictive if crossed. Handle this one with velvet gloves
Skim Milk (Christine)This hot Mom is creative and fit. She is introverted and artistic. To her milk is cow puss. Her children are either grown up, out of the house or in elementary school. In either case she waits on them hand and foot. Her diet consists of leafy greens and not much else. Sugar is anthrax to this mom and she is often found running 8 miles a day.
Warning: This mom holds a deep hatred for men and shares it. She knows everything and if you don’t believe her just ask her.
Soy Milk (Danielle)This Mom is either down to earth or out of her mind. She swears off real milk because “eww that came out of a cow”, or she is making a political statement. This Mom’s kids are young and she thinks they are the cutest redheads in the world.
Warning: This Mom has mental issues. Her children are allergic to everything. This Mom claims to be athletic but in truth she is just skinny.
Ok, so the idea of using milk to define a good woman might be a bit of a stretch but according to there are some ingenious uses for the bovine lactation.
Make frozen fish taste freshIf you want fish from your freezer to taste like it was fresh caught, try this trick: Place the frozen fish in a bath of milk until it thaws. The milk will make it taste fresher.
Repair cracked chinaBefore you throw out that cracked plate from your grandmother's old china set, try mending it with milk. Place the plate in a pan, cover it with milk (fresh or reconstituted powdered milk), and bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, lower the heat and simmer for about 45 minutes. The protein in the milk will miraculously meld most fine cracks.
Polish silverware
Tarnished silverware will look like new with a little help from some sour milk. If you don't have any sour milk on hand, you can make some by adding vinegar to fresh milk. Then simply soak the silver in the milk for half an hour to loosen the tarnish, wash in warm, soapy water, and buff with a soft cloth.
Soothe sunburn and bug bites
If your skin feels like it's burning up from too much sun exposure or if itchy bug bites are driving you crazy, try using a little milk paste for soothing relief. Mix one part powdered milk with two parts water and add a pinch or two of salt. Dab it on the burn or bite. The enzymes in the milk powder will help neutralize the insect-bite venom and help relieve sunburn pain.
Clean and soften dirty handsYou come back from the garden with stained and gritty hands. Regular soap just won't do, but this will: Make a paste of oatmeal and milk and rub it vigorously on your hands. The stains will be gone and the oatmeal-and-milk mixture will soften and soothe your skin.
Clean patent leatherMake your patent-leather purses or shoes look like new again. Just dab on a little milk, let it dry, and buff with a soft cloth.
Remove ink stains from clothes
To remove ink stains from colored clothes, an overnight milk bath will often do the trick. Just soak the affected garment in milk overnight and launder as usual the next day.
However if your PETA you just want Ben and Jerry’s to switch to human milk. Happy hunting!