Friday, February 19, 2010

Iwo Jima

For some reason I thought it was much bigger on film or maybe it was John Wayne who made it appear that way. In black and white the “Sands of Iwo Jima” just didn’t have the same appeal as it does here in front of me.

As we approach the way the Marines did back then there are strange rock formations that jetty out of the water, which give an evil and unforgiving feeling. The island looks deserted and for good reason. Nothing is native here anymore and even the vegetation needs help to grow.

Mt Suribachi is on our left as we approach, the Landing craft bobs up and down in the waves like a bad carnival ride as its diesel engine moans. The pork chop shaped island looks neither inviting nor hospitable. The entire surface area of this island is only seven and a half miles of area mass. It’s hard to believe 50,000 men once fought here. The Americans landed on the island but the Japanese were inside it.

Virtually untouched since 1945 this small island once was occupied by over 50,000 men. Out of the original 30,000 men that landed 20,196 American became casualties and 4,189 were killed. The Japanese loses were staggeringly worse, as they nearly fought to last man. Out of the original 23,000 on this island 21,000 were killed, and only 200 surrendered.

There were even two Japanese soldiers who managed to live within the tunnels until finally surrendering in 1949. Four years after the war was over by stealing food and supplies.
The heavy steel door lowers with a crankily sound. In my mind I can imagine the ricocheting bullets that must have been heard as the Marines exited the LCU.

I sink to my ankles in the ash and black sand. I can imagine now what would be like to walk through two feet of pepper. My steps are labored as I reach the end of the beach. As I stop a moment and look down the beach I can see a tank rusty and sticking about halfway out of the sand. It looks surreal.

The island is attempting to reclaim the remnants of the battle but it appears to be just too big to swallow. Maybe it’s too much for such a small island.

There are reinforced fighting positions called pill boxes on the beach and with closer examination there are shell casings littering the ground. The story becomes evident that this is where a Marine took out this position with heavy amounts of fire.

As we approach Mt Suribachi I notice tunnels that I did not see from the beach. They are everywhere on the island. As we approach there is a pillar with Japanese writing to mark its location. This marker is a recent addition, honoring those who died here. The Japanese believe a place that someone dies is sacred and these markings are found everywhere on the island.

Inside the tunnels not much has changed. The name Iwo Jima means Sulfur Island and as you go deeper the heat becomes almost unbearable. White concentrations of sulfur are forming on the tunnel walls.

Everything is as it was in 1945, pictures of Japanese women are posted on the walls and bamboo mats are on the floor. The tunnels are dry from the volcanic heat which helps preserve its contents.

Pieces of Japanese uniforms and shoes are found. Every turn uncovers a new discovery. The rusty and metal barrels of weapons are found but the wood stocks are long gone. We notice colored streamers running throughout some of the tunnels as they mark the areas where human remains are located.

Bottles of rice wine and water purification units seem ready for use and food rations are unspoiled and appear ready to eat.

As we walk the island there are some Japanese making new discoveries. New tunnels are being found every day and some are marked with the original date they were mustard gassed by the Americans and sealed entombing the Japanese soldiers indefinitely.

Many dangers are found here as well and much caution is needed. Japanese grenades are found by some of the entrances and their chemical based fuses are very unstable. Watching where you step and place your hands is a delicate proposition.

The airfield is the only place where any life flourishes. The Americans have given back the island to Japan and the Airfield now reads Iwo To. Still meaning sulfur island Iwo To is the new name for the island as the Japanese try to cover some of the history with the new name.

You won’t find this trip in any travel literature or any honeymoon destination, but for those looking for a step back into time it is worth the trip. The island was bombed for an entire month before the battle and another forty-five days of fighting stripped any vegetation that was originally found here. Over the years however, environmental bombings have taken place with seeds dropped from airplanes to help the island grow back to its natural state.

More than any museum or history book, a trip to Iwo Jima is both breath taking and awe inspiring. From exploring the unseen to standing at the point of that famous flag raising Iwo Jima is among my all time favorite experiences.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fathers rights issue

Poster design

What did I do wrong?
why don't you come see me daddy?
Why don't you call me?
I miss the fun we had.
Don't you love me anymore?
without you
I might not graduate high school
I might not go to college
I might do drugs
I might get arrested
Dad's do make a difference
be there today so they will be here tomorrow

Cheesesteak Round II

A Steak and Cheese is not a Cheesesteak

One thing I learned quickly leaving Southeastern Pennsylvania when I joined the Marines, was that there were no more cheesesteaks.

Cheesesteaks are a staple growing up around Philadelphia. I could still watch my Eagles and Phillies on TV but I had no idea that you could not find a cheesesteak.

My first experience was while in California I saw a menu item called a Philly Steak and Cheese. Excited I ordered it in a hurry. When it arrived it didn’t have the Amoroso bread, it was not that marinated chopped It had no tomato-based sauce. The cheese was not American or Cheese Whiz but cheddar cheese. There was no dripping grease on my plate and none to wash it down.

Laying in front of me was the most pathetic excuse for counterfeit Cheesesteakness, I wish I had ever seen. It couldn’t have even passed for a Weber which is a cheesesteak with lettuce tomato and mayonnaise. Nope it had a solid piece of lettuce, not the shredded kind and the bun was cut in half. Isn’t that sacrilegious?

Since that first time I have been across this country and occasionally I will get sucked into some advertisement saying they have authentic Philly Cheesesteaks only to find out they are also frauds.

In North Carolina there is one with brown gravy and mushrooms, Ewwww.
In Tennesee I had one that actually had green peppers and the owner was going to tell me that, that is the way they make em up in Philly. Even though I told him that was not the case he didn’t want to hear it.

No Steakums are not cheesesteaks, even my spell check is trying to tell me I have spelled it wrong. Cheesesteak is one word not two. Doesn’t anyone get it?

John Kerry didn’t get it when he asked for one with Swiss Cheese and was met with laughs while visiting Philadelphia during the 2004 election. Maybe that is why he didn’t get elected.

If you want a cheesesteak your gonna have to go to Philadelphia, you simply cannot get it anywhere else.

I live in Maryland now and close enough to make that three hour trip for my cheesesteak cravings. Going anywhere else for a cheesesteak is like going to Taco Bell for Mexican food.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gound Hog Day

Groundhog day...

So what is on my mind today? Allot of things... It's been a week and a half since Smoofy was killed and I still can't believe it...

The sign is still in my yard, but not a single person has admitted to hitting her. A note in my mailbox would be fine... Just something to show me that she mattered to who ever hit her.

It drives me nuts thinking that someone hit her and didn't even stop... I live in a development with a 15 mph speed limit and the dang dog was white!!!

I think about the movie Ground hog day and like Bill Murray's character, I wish I could have that day over again, so maybe I could change the outcome...

I am back in school for the semester but actually didn't make it to class last week because of the snow... Honestly it's supposed to snow again this Friday and Saturday... So I am not sure if I will have class this week either...

Settlement and closing day on my new house is getting closer.... only 24 days away. But with that brings allot more stress... Kids, dog, work, school, buying a house, homework... Sometimes it feels as though my head will explode...

Whoever said it would get easier as we got older? They lied...

I have had to completely stop watching the news... This President, this Congress... they are so far out of touch with what the American people want. The government is so far from what our founding fathers invisioned for this country that watching the news only makes me angry... Our complete government has become a joke...

Well enough ranting for now... write more later

My First Project

The first project for class is a 250-300 word description that has some aspect of food...
I am thinking about the Restaurant that I grew up with in Pennsylvania named "Frank's Pizza."

In many ways it is just your typical Italian owned Mom and Pop Pizza joint, common in south eastern Pennsylvania. I have been going there since I was 9 yrs old and still make special efforts to stop there on my way to visit friends and relatives. I remember walking in there and not being able to see over the red brick counter but the smells are still the same. Garlic and tomato, basil and dough. The sounds of searing steak and the two brothers, John and Veto, going back and forth in Italian to what sounds like arguing. Unknown to me as I do not speak Italian it maybe just normal conversation.

Of course the big item would be the Cheese steak and as a Philly area staple it has a few different variations. The normal Cheese steak comes with Sauce and Onions. The sauce is a tomato based sauce and the onions are grilled and mixed within the steak. The pizza steak with its mozzarella cheese and pizza sauce. The cheese steak Weber, which is steak, raw onions, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise, to the chicken cheese steak which is not really a cheese steak at all.

The menu has expanded over the years but the food tastes the same. I remember being in the Marines and craving those cheese steaks... The atmosphere has changed somewhat too, Veto has retired and now John has some younger workers helping him. Not Italian though, they are Guatemalan but they understand each other with the similarities between the Spanish and Italian languages makes me jealous that I never learned either.

Now I can see over the counter top and watch the delicious food and see the faces I once only knew if they came from behind the counter to bring me my food. It is however, the taste of the food that keeps everyone coming back for more.


My Smoo-Pot, Smoo-face, my little Smoo-me-moo
What drew you in the road today
Then took you far away
Did you know I was here for you?
Did you know how much I cared?
I don’t know what made you stray today
But alone here I must stay

I called for you, heard your collar then a sound I dismay
Oh no, no, no, I cried as the wind and door swayed
I rushed to you on the road where your little body lay
Panic filled my chest as I held you in my arms and prayed

I knew in that moment you were gone Smoo
Did you know I was here?

Could you feel my frightened tears as they fell across your face?
Did you hear the panic in my voice as I pleaded you to stay?
All the pleading in the world could not keep you here today
How could this be happening so soon and in this way?

My constant companion, my baby girl, my Smoofy, my friend
I hate your life ends today
Especially this way
Apart we now are but my love with you will stay
Goodnight my angel, my Smoofy, , my best friend

I pray your spirit stays with me until my bitter end
Someday we will be together
To laugh, play and hold you once again
Goodbye my little angel, my Smoofy, my friend